
Breath Me In

Joe’s lying, lifeless, on the ground. “Give him some air,” someone screams. But Rose Marie knows what to do. She rushes towards Joe as people gather. Renita squeezes through the crowd and watches as Rose Marie takes off her shoe and nylons, then dangles her sweet tootsies above Joe’s nose.

“Breath, Joe, breath,” she pleads. She sings the warm heart-felt love song, Breath Me In about finally finding true love and how she’s desperately scared to lose it. Suddenly, a miracle! Joe Sniffs! The scent of love revives him and he is snatched from the jaws of death. Joe and Rose Marie hug and begin to sing of their desire to be together. Renita can’t believe her eyes.

With their love affirmed, the song ends then transitions into the LIA Reprise.

Listen Here:


      Breathe Me In - Sachs / Guillaume

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